Happy Hunting GroundsMarcWasHere on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/marcwashere/art/Happy-Hunting-Grounds-172255221MarcWasHere

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MarcWasHere's avatar

Happy Hunting Grounds



"Dark shapes dart through the shadows, between pools of light, like wisps of smoke; a brief glimpse of them...and then nothing.

Once the sounds of life filled the air, now only the black ash and deep silence all but reign. Through the ruins of civilization, they play, a deadly game of cat and mouse.

This is their happy hunting ground."


4-5 hour speed paint...although i must admit, i fell asleep somewhere between the buildings and the troopers. And i spent more time detailing the lead scout then actually painting the thing since it was supposed to be a rough environmental! My bad...! D:

Anyways, are these the hunters or hunted? You decide...

Image size
1200x895px 290.59 KB
© 2010 - 2025 MarcWasHere
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joachim-hagen's avatar
Very atmpsheric. The floating pieces are the icing on the cake.