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July 13, 2013
The Iron throne by *MarcSimonetti

"A dozen different artists have done versions of the Iron Throne over the years. Some have been very striking, some less so, but none of them have ever been quite RIGHT," says Game of Thrones mastermind George R.R. Martin himself.

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MarcSimonetti's avatar

The Iron throne

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This is the Work in Progress picture of the "Iron throne" made for the upcoming concordance "The World of Ice and Fire" by Grr Martin, for Random House.
All I can say is that the book will be awesome.

PS: Please note that it isn't the final one, and that I can't sell prints of it.

PS: Thanks so much for the DD!
Image size
689x1000px 260.24 KB
© 2013 - 2024 MarcSimonetti
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El-Jorro's avatar

According to George R R Martin, this is the Book Accurate version of the Iron throne.