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Marcsello's avatar




Another one that only linux people will understand... Pony on a grand adventure... poor mare she doesn't know what she'll face.
Okay installing gentoo is not THAT bad. But certainly not for noobies.

Well, not much to say about thus either, I never draw a pony in that pose from that angle before, I have to practice this a lot more.
Besides why the fuk it's soo pale?? it should look something like this: but for some reason, after I upload it, it looks like this... anyone any idea?

Well... Sorry for missing the last two days, but I had a lot to do on those days, and at the end of the day I've just fall into my bed to sleep like 3 hours before the next day. Hope I don't have to miss more.
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3767x2853px 4.12 MB
© 2017 - 2024 Marcsello
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