Istiodactylusmarcoornithodira on DeviantArt

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marcoornithodira's avatar




This Istiodactylus was supposed to be feeding on a carcass, but the drawing got ‘stuck’ in the stashing process and I can't edit it, so for now it's just this screenshot of the downloaded version. I'm rather content with it, I must say. Hope I can do the rest of the piece too some day...
PS: This is one of two yet unfinished pieces that I can't edit. Guess that has to do with the amount of detail I put in them...

Based on skeletals by Mark Witton ([link], [link]), made with deviantART muro
Image size
1093x703px 163.87 KB
© 2012 - 2025 marcoornithodira
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Dino-Mario's avatar
Good job.This is one the best pterosaur restorations i have seen