Sedoo skin for Aimp2marcino-mk on DeviantArt

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marcino-mk's avatar

Sedoo skin for Aimp2



This is my next Skin for Aimp2

You can redistribute this skin outside DA without asking, but Would be nice if you note me and give a credit :)

All comments and favs are welcome!
Thanks and Enjoy!
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BlueWolfDreaming's avatar
One of the best Aimp skins, although it doesn't have a visualiser. Most of the more recent skins (for Aimp3, which is the latest version) have visualizations, which are a variation of about 40 different colourful "visuals" which play in a small rectangular "window" on the main window. Some can be plaid "full-screen", but no adjustable viz's like in Winamp, and the Winamp skins and viz's don't work with Aimp. Forget Milkdrop, AVS, and the great Soundspecrum viz's such as G-Force !