-Tide Devourer-MarcBrunet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/marcbrunet/art/Tide-Devourer-38465580MarcBrunet

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MarcBrunet's avatar

-Tide Devourer-



Hey there suckers! Couldnt sleep last night so i decided to do this lil piece!

Pretty wierd idea you'll tell me, yes very true... The big monster in the back is a tide devourer, he's a legendary creature that litterally devour the ocean; meaning he drinks it all up. The white haired guy in first plan is the heroe of this fabulous setting, he's the mighty defender of ''those who live by the sea''. He comes out and basically chase the Tide devourer by shooting magical arrows at his sorry ass.

THis one was also supposed to be a speedpaint, but i ended up spending a full 3h30 on it, all done in photoshop!

Hope you guys dig! im trying new styles so that might explains why it doesnt really look like anything i've done before.

Thx for watching homies!

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666x986px 145.56 KB
© 2006 - 2025 MarcBrunet
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Tatmione's avatar
kinda reminds me of Kid from Bastion