-The Enchanted Pond-MarcBrunet on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/marcbrunet/art/The-Enchanted-Pond-41774492MarcBrunet

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-The Enchanted Pond-



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Oh shiet im done! yeah fucking right! DONE!

Alright, first thing first, i SUPER happy with how this one came out!! I've spent so much time over this one, you have no idea, i changed everything in this pic about 5 times, no wonder i've been working months on this. I really got bored with it at some point, seemed like this would never look good. Nyways, im no quitter and i managed to put some time on it here and there, and at last, its over! The image is far from perfect, there is still an enormous amount of things bugging me, but yeah fuck it, this drawing already stole enough hours away from my life! That bastard.

The image represents what would be a fairy from the future. Weird? yes. I wanted to kinda mix together the old fairy tales with my more scifi style. Hence the mecha fairy!

She lives among the other creatures in the forest, she's what one could call the forest queen/protector, whatever! Just like some ppl try to preserve our forest/species, she's there to help protec the forest she lives in. Her world is slightly different tho, it was once ruled by machines, there were no plants, animals, or any form of natural life. Everything was artificial. Something changed eventually, an event occured and the whole world was changed, forever. Natural life started to take over, slowly, and machines were forgotten, becoming the foundation for this new era.

Still, there are always machines that go wrong and disturb the peace of the forest. It is said the pond in this image was once cursed, and corrupts the machine nearby, causing them to destroy the natural life. It's the mecha fairy's role to stop this when it occurs. Her powers lets her reset the machine's memory, and protects it from future corruptions.

One day, all the machines will be cured by the fairy, and she will dissapear, no longer needed, but untill then she walks the forest's soil in search for these troublemakers.

Hahaha yeah i just came up with this! Anyways, as usual, this piece was done in photoshopcs2, with my wacom gatling gun! DUnno how much time this took me, lets just say, WAY TOO MUCH.

Hope you like!

Image size
1170x831px 280.57 KB
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Cool concept and rendition.