Graphic Designer / Creative Director (1992-2007).
Autodidact in art.
Seville, Spain
Website (under construction): name is Mar Canton (aka Kiki), I was born in Almeria in 1971. My family roots are in Cadiz and I live in Seville. I am therefore a “Maritime Southener”.
I studied Advertising & Marketing and I worked freelance as a Graphic Designer and Advertising Creative Executive for Communication Agencies.
I learnt about Art by creating Art. I am self-taught.
A cronic and degenerative disease has kept me away from the marketplace and Art – in all its forms - is undoubtedly my best therapy as well as my Life, past, present and future.
I create from feelings and dreams that are born within me.
Welcome and thank you.
Me llamo Mar Cantón (Kiki), nací en Almería en 1971. De raíces gaditanas. Vivo en Sevilla.
Soy "Sureña" y "Marina".
Estudié Publicidad y Marketing. Trabajé durante 14 años como Diseñadora Gráfica y Creativa, como freelance y para agencias de comunicación y Publicidad.
Aprendí Arte creando Arte. Soy Autodidacta.
Apartada del mundo profesional debido a una enfermedad crónica y degenerativa desde hace 10 años el Arte es mi mejor terapia; en todas sus formas ha sido, es, y será siempre mi vida.
Creo lo que siento, lo que sueño, lo que me nace.
Bienvenidos y Gracias.