Sixshot vs. Quickswitchmarble-v on DeviantArt

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Sixshot vs. Quickswitch



Commission for hairytrout
It was my first time to draw a cel painting of these characters.
Sixshot is one of my favorite TF. (Both his design and character:D (Big Grin)  )
About Quickswitch, I didn't know that he's Sixshot's son until I read wiki as reference for this painting:o (Eek) 

Hope you like this^_^

acryl gouache colors and black ink on clear film and illustration board.
Image size
1892x792px 2.33 MB
© 2020 - 2025 marble-v
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I've heard of Sixshot but never Quickswitch! That's actually a cool name for an Autobot that has the same abilities that a Decepticon it seems he was based off of has!