marauder-girl-16 on DeviantArt

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shinigami, duuuuuuude.



well, it's supposed to be matsuda as a shinigami (spawned by a conversation with...somebody...ahh i forgot, i'm sorry :()

however, i think he also kinda looks like sirius.

whoever he is, he looks like he's about to go on a murdering rampage haha.

i think my coloring's getting a little better...a little :shrug:

i have screentone creds (btw, my first time even messing with them, even if they are digital! i like them :D)...[link] is where they are located on the interweb!
so...who do you see?

tota matsuda/death note ---> tsugumi ohba, takeshi obata
sirius black/harry potter ---> j.k. rowling

**minor edit for technical purposes**
i give ~matsuda-skanks permission to post this :]
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700x1000px 576.66 KB
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HappyAggro's avatar
Oh, this is awesome. The greytones! OH TEH GRAY! <3