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TGWTG Smiles



This last week has been hard for the TGWTG community, a lot of negative comments, attacks, and mean spirited gossip has surrounded the site.

This really saddens me, because I'm proud to be a part of TGWTG, no matter how small is my contribution, I'm grateful to be accepted in the community and chat to time to time with the amazing producers and fans of Channel Awesome.

But instead of add negativity to the clusterfuck of the last days, I wanted to something positive, something to remind me why I'm a fan, so I did this little silly drawings, to remind me that the most important thing at the end, is making people smile, be it with a review, a sketch, a podcast, a fanart, a photomanip, etc.

It's all about the smiles, to make content that makes you happy and make the fans laugh with you.

So here is my dumb, corny little tribute to the TGWTG community, producers and fans, hoping we can leave this awful mess behind and focus in what's important.

The smiles :D

From left to right
Top tier: Holly, Rosen Hacker, Jesuotaku, Nash.
Bottom Tier: Obscurus Lupa, Phelous, CFerra and my mexican buddy Film Renegado
Image size
1700x1100px 1.21 MB
© 2012 - 2024 mapacheanepicstory
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SiameseCatLover's avatar
I love the way you drew JesuOtaku! Looks just like her smile. :D