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Manwathiell's avatar

Relentless Time



Clock details:

I did a lot of thinking while working on this piece.

Time is so important in our world.
We are constantly under stress, running from one place to the next, trying to accomplish things and fulfill tasks at given deadlines.

It is difficult to find a moment to rest, think and be in peace.

Some never realize that time is relentless and will go on until it's too late. Time will continue flowing, inflexible.
Waters will turn rocks into sand, castles into ruins... day will follow night day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year and century after century.

Womankind is blind at the fact that there are so many other important things in life (like showing love to and caring for our beloved ones daily, like enjoying the small things around us, like making a stop to feel the breeze or sunshine touching our skins) which are left aside while we run towards success or goals.

Time is relentless. Every second gone... is gone.
It will never be back.
Think about that.


This work took me two weeks working an average of 4 hours daily and I used exactly 80 layers. I am happy with it because I did my best... and I want to dedicate it to :iconebrulii: and :iconcsturm:.

To Ebru, because of her encouragement, friendship and love. She awed me with her painting skills and I used her last tutorial to understand some more about how to use brushes to paint (most of the clocks have been retouched by painting them) and because she always encourages me so much :heart:.

To Christian, because of his support, encouragement and friendship. Since we first got in touch he started giving me advise, sending me notes with information and links, sharing his knowledge with me, teaching me how to improve. He has very little time, still he manages to be there when I have a question. :heart:

You all know this is my 4th photomanipulation.

To some of my friends, who may have asked themselves what was wrong with me, that I've been absent for so long, I will tell more in my next journal. I've been using my DA time for something very moving and important... I'll explain there.




Challenge Stocks used:

[link] by :iconmeltys:

[link] by :icongeek-stock:

Other resources:

[link] by :iconmoonchilde-stock:

[link] by :iconsd-stock:

[link] by :iconyrrbby-stock:

[link] by :iconlady-symphonia-stock:

[link] by :iconchainbound:

More Clocks:
[link] by :iconfalln-stock:

[link] by :iconthe-dragoness:

[link] by :iconrabenbrut-stock:

[link] by :iconm3-productions:

[link] by :iconrelicbrennan:

[link] by :iconyunyunsarang:

[link] by :iconashlee7307-stock:

[link] by :iconaudpod:

[link] by :iconchop-stock:

[link] by :iconmidnightstouch:

[link] by :iconnarghaash-stock:

[link] by :iconscully7491:
Image size
3420x2194px 2.97 MB
© 2009 - 2024 Manwathiell
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Yagamiseven's avatar
this is really good