Thanks for stoping by and visiting my page! So... about me... My name is Tom, I live in Poland and i take my intrest into art. Sculpture is my passion and I have been sculpting for almost two years now (2013-08-05). Recentyl i started streaming live my work so be sure to visit me on my channel and see me work live www.twitch.tv/mankej_ . As for now I'm studying and doing my masters degree in Landscape Architecture. Be sure to follow me and check up on my as i will be posting my work here. My webpage isn't running yet but stay put it will be soon . Also if you interested I am open for commisions doing many kinds of characters from games like Starcraft of League of Legends and movies. Hope thats enough intel on what i am up to right now. If you want to know anything else just ask me i will be very happy to help you guys with your art and I strongly encourage you to take up sculpting it's a great passion and great way to become more patient and improve your life!
So take care guys and have fun with your art