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McKenna Suzuki (2014-2015)*



Full Name: McKenna Misaki Suzuki

Other Nicknames: n/a

DOB: 29 Aug. 1999

Gender: female (she/her)

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 94#

Origin: Honolulu, Hawaii, United States

Race: Asian (Japanese-American)

Details: McKenna was born to zoologist Kiyoko (b. 1965) and college trigonometry professor Noburu Suzuki (b. 1965) in Honolulu, Hawaii. She is the oldest of three children- a younger sister Alexis (born 2003) and another younger sister Kendall (born 2010). The Suzuki family moved to Portland, Oregon in around 2004 (so before Kendall was born). McKenna has a healthy relationship with her whole family.

McKenna likes hanging out with her friends and doing well in all of her classes. She doesn't like weird things (such as Vocaloid) and people being overtly mean.

McKenna is a smart and lively girl. She is also a nice girl... to her friends. To other people (especially inclusion students), she is a very condescending person and a pain to deal with.

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