Manic-Satanic-Panic on DeviantArt

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With the hands that still benefit from the systems of destruction and oppression that continue to harm people who I love, I took a peice of nature,a peice of life and I crushed it between my fingers, to mount it to a peice of cardboard returning leaves to a former tree,I glewed down angry orange plastic fabric that I tore to lay the foundations for a society built off of slavery and genocide, much like the nature of plastic I never asked to have it's history in my veins but it's there. We can't change the past,but the past doesn't control what I do with my life or who I love.Next I took a map of stollen land and made straight, uniform strips, lining them up on the glue perfectly, uniformly, to convay conformity and represent the traits of white supremacy culture one trait being perfectionism.I made some of those strips start to peal however, revealing the plastic underbelly of the beast we live within. I made a mess I didn't clean up on my own,because this situation can not be solved by individuals. I chose the tittle settler's in reference to a book I highly recommend to read called "Settler's" by: J. Sakai .

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