Hair Tricksmanic-goose on DeviantArt

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Hair Tricks



This is in part because :iconleahhimura24: asked for a tut on Ryu's hair... but I figured a quicky on all of them would be nice... even if you don't' draw my characters, this will probably help you with tricks and styles you could use for creating your own characters. Take ideas you like and mix and match to your heart's content. I hope this helps.

1. His hair goes from his right to his left, start with the part off to the side, and loosely draw the idea of locks falling in a normal and consistent manner. Detail comes later.
2. defining the one lock that comes out directly from the part adds a sense of continuity and shows where the part is even when it is colored. When drawing the part that falls around the head, curve inward like you were drawing the bottom part of a heart. I hope that makes sense.
3. This is an important step for the messy look that you see a lot in anime. You need to draw first: the hair that frames the eyes, by curling in under them just a little, and then draw random locks going in different directions, against the flow of the hair. When you out line the hair, these locks will be drawn first.
4. I usually save the full detail for the outline. Here the scribbles are connected into locks, a few added here and there to connect the hair. The level of detail you put in is determined by the size and number of locks you define. More smaller (narrower) locks give it more detail and fewer wide locks give ti less. Remember to draw the locks going against the hair first so that it is easier to outline them on top of the rest, giving dimension to the style.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.

1. Her part is slightly off center. Start with the one on your right (her left). Draw it sticking out a little, gives it the feeling of having body, then draw the other side. Remember that her hair tends to bend outward on the right (her left) fairly consistently. This gives her a less groomed and more playful look. To draw something symmetrical makes a character look more refined, polished and implies character traits that match that, such as propriety.
2. Draw the locks that fall over the ears and hang down int eh front first. When this is done, either no ear or very little ear shows. This frames her face well. Add detail to the hair, showing more thinner locks where before it was just an indication of them.
3. You will see that her part is more centered, but still slightly off on the right side, giving the sense that her part is crisscrossing. To make it feel like the part is straight, you would draw it where the split is, instead of off-set like I did.
4. Just like with Ryu, ink it and finalize all the details.

Feel free to ask if you have questions

1. Koji's hair is split into two, parted off center as well. One side is more chaotic and free, and the other is more refined and tamed... this represents a slight duality in the character... Start with the part in the middle, the one lock in front that bends toward the right (his left) followed by the other lock that falls directly behind it, then draw the hair that is on the left of it (his right).
2. Koji's hair uses a lot of triangles. Draw the two little triangles that come out from the part going up, and then draw the bigger one that falls into his hair. At the bottom (longer on the right than on the left) draw the hair ending as two more triangles, one longer than the other.
3. on the left (his right) you will frame the eye... just like with Ryu. Draw a couple hairs falling behind his head to show that the hair wraps around a little. on the right (his left) you add details, and this is done in s similar way to Ryu's with hair going in different direction, but most of the hair still follows the flow, just a couple go in other directions.
4. Finalize the lines and ink it. Just like the other two.

any questions: ask me.

1. Miakai's hair is off center and playful to fit her personality. Start with the hair that falls in the middle, two bending triangles, and then draw the one big one on the right (her left). Draw the lock sticking up a little and then draw the hair coming around the head. Also draw the hair on the right tucked behind the big triangle of hair.
2. Notice the one hair that curls inward framing her face. Draw that first. It shows that while her hair is while, gravity still has a hold on it, and ti gives it a little more wild look, while framing her face better. Next draw the one lock that sticks out to the left and then all the other locks falling down around her face. One lock is really long and goes down a long ways passed the rest, as if it was a hair that was meant to be tied back but was missed. This gives her a more playful and more unorganized look... somewhat chaotic in a good way.
3. It is important to note that along with everything else, the bun in the back is also off center, a little too far to the right (her left) as if it was put up really quickly and without much thought. Hair sticking out over the top sows that the hair was too long to be held in the bun and some of ti came out of the top... this is a look reserved for characters with very long hair. When drawing the bun, start with a circle, and then draw the hair going around it horizontally about half way down and then draw the hair under it curling around vertically under it.
4. Finish it. ^^

Any questions, ask me.

I hope this helps you with your own characters and maybe with drawing mine. I always love fan art of my characters. ^^ Thanks for looking.

To find more of my tutorials, follow this link, in the artist's comments, you'll find links to many of my other tutorials:
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very good you art