Spare Change - PMD-EMangoSno on DeviantArt

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MangoSno's avatar

Spare Change - PMD-E



Spare Change's Application for :iconpmd-explorers:

Second GO! I decided to drop my other team and develop these two instead. I didn't have time for PMD in the past few months, but I didn't want to completely quit. Since these two haven't even been on a mission though, I figured I'd re-draw their app art and just submit them like a brand-spankin' new team!
Originally didn't want to do backgrounds, but I started and it looks better with them(despite my horrible newb skills. D: ). Blllharharghahagh. Unfortunately, my hand-writing will never change. I:< Definitely going to re-do the backgrounds one day. Hopefully my future attempt won't look like a 5-year old colored them. Dx Their first app, for those curious: [link]

Jolly Nature
Ability - Color Change

Albert's jolly nature makes him a very cheerful pokemon to be around and it's rare to see him quiet down, even if the situation around him requires serious thought. His borderline naivety makes it difficult for him to comprehend most conflicts, so he will often continue rambling as if nothing negative were happening. He enjoys the laughter and smiling faces of others and thinks he can achieve this through his array of jokes and bad puns. Albert has an unusual sense of humor and often times his jokes don't make any sense, much like himself at times.
Despite being a merchant, Albert has little ambition when it comes to making a profit. His motto is "Better a happy customer, than a poor one." Which Florence thinks to mean that he prefers a happy customer over taking their money...he thinks. His care-free nature tends to frustrate Florence. A lot.

Albert likes to utilize his color change ability to make color related puns, but there's only so many he can use and they're often just not funny. He's never aware of this unless Florence is quick enough to point it out.

Albert has a thick French accent and occasionally speaks broken English, Mais oui! He is also a big flirt, seen trying to woo the ladies with his humor.

Item - Bow-tie

Serious Nature
Ability - Limber

Florence's seriousness contradicts Albert's joking nature, so he often finds himself frustrated with the jolly kecleon. He spends too much time dealing with Albert's random nonsense than dealing with their jobs as merchants. Though Florence isn't much of a merchant to begin with, he's grateful to Albert for taking him in and letting him be a part of the team. If Florence can keep him on the right track, he can get Albert to concentrate on missions long enough to actually do what they set out to do.

Being a ditto, Florence can transform into any pokemon, but like most dittos, he gets the eyes wrong if he transforms from memory; they also tend to turn out pink. Despite his ability to transform however, Florence is uncomfortable around most pokemon(aside from Albert, who just annoys him), since they can often see through his guises and transforming into exact copies of pokemon he's met often weirds them out. He doesn't really feel like he can fit in, no matter what pokemon he changes into.

By the way, can you tell what pokemon type Florence likes the most? I'll give you a hint: IT'S FLYING.

Item - Scarf

Absolutely none yet! |D
Image size
1027x1976px 1.05 MB
© 2012 - 2025 MangoSno
brushtrail's avatar
Hello there! Awesome team you have here! Hope you didn't mind that I cameo'd the oh-so handsome Albert in my Event 7 on pages 3, 14, and 15:


If anything seems off or out of character, please let me know. I'll happily modify it.

Hope to see missions from you soon. Love these guys!
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