Olette Shoes TutorialMangoSirene on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mangosirene/art/Olette-Shoes-Tutorial-127131058MangoSirene

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Olette Shoes Tutorial



For JAFAX 2009, I remade most of my Olette cosplay - which included making huge gigantic shoes! I didn't want to bother with the clown shoe deconstruction method that's popular on Cosplay.com, so I sort of came up with my own method having no idea if it would work or not. Luckily, the end result is really nice! And it was relatively easy to do, too.

If you try to make your own shoes this way, let me know how it goes! Also if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask~.

Materials: clogs, white Model Magic, craft foam (yellow/brown/white), black shoe laces, copious amounts of hot glue

Character: Olette
Series: Kingdom Hearts (II)
Image size
450x1500px 478.41 KB
© 2009 - 2025 MangoSirene
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Yuniiku-chan's avatar
The best way I have found to use Model Magic and make it last is to either fiberglass it, or to use floor varnish on it once it's all dry and sanded. This makes it a LOT more durable.