ManganimeWorld's avatar


Years Ago

Comments 464

anonymous's avatar
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I don't know why there are people who try to break the rules of this group, our rules are very clear, WE DO NOT ACCEPT ADVERTISING. Your works are your own advertising tool and our group is formed so that you can display them here, your advertising ads on your profile please stop littering our front page with your advertising comments, ALL WILL BE HIDDEN INSTANTLY AND THE OWNER WILL BE REPORTED AND BLOCKED, It is useless for you to continue doing it.

It only makes you look like a stupid, poorly raised child who needs recognition from other people. If you need publicity for your work, better find another group that doesn't mind you using it. The comment board on our cover is not for this. If any work has been rejected, you can read the rules before sending it and you will realize that you do not comply with any shipping rule. If this is not the reason, you can contact us and express your complaint. We will not change our rules for you. .

Thank you
No se porque hay personas que intentan saltarse las normas de este grupo, nuestras normas son muy claras, NO ACEPTAMOS LA PUBLICIDAD. Vuestros trabajos son vuestra propia herramienta de publicidad y nuestro grupo esta formado para que los expongais aqui, vuestros anuncios publicitarios en vuestro perfil porfavor, dejar de ensuciar nuestra portada con vuestros comentarios publiciatarios, TODOS SERAN OCULTADOS AL INSTANTE Y EL PROPIETARIO SERA REPORTADO Y BLOQUEADO, es inutil que sigais haciendolo.

Solo te hace parecer un niño tonto y mal criado que necesita el reconocimiento de las demas personas, si necesitas publicidad de tu obra, mejor buscate otro grupo que no le importe que lo utilices, la tabla de comentarios en nuestra portada no es para esto. Si se te ha rechazado algun trabajo, puedes leer las normas antes de enviarlo y te daras cuenta que alguna norma de envio incumples, si no es el motivo, puedes ponerte en contacto con nosotros y exponer tu queja, nosotros no cambiaremos nuestras normas por ti.

Is this group dead?

No, why are you asking?

Some submissions expired.

some contributions expire because we have so many daily deliveries and we can't handle all of them. Have patience.
thank you for accepting me!
you're welcome