This is the place to upload your layouts and templates. They range from page design to margin specs of specific print and paper sizes.
Page Layouts are the "ready to use" templates, or references of paneling that could help inspire you as you make a page.
Storyboard Templates are the perfect guides to use for scripting. Not only do they leave a small square to thumbnail your page, but space to write ideas and script in as well.
Page Guides are the templates used for different printing sizes. These are handy if you want to make sure things are in the right size for when you send it to print.
Character Templates are in fact simple guides to help get you started and inspired for making your own characters. These aren't for taking as your own, but are more like empty and un-clothed dolls that require your attention in order to become someone!
Use your best judgment in choosing your section or upload to multiple sections if possible.
Please credit or fave if taking from a contributor!