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manekinich's avatar

Help Wanted



Category: Help Wanted!

♦ Snacktastrophe! (upper left) A vendor has had an emergency come up and needs you to watch their stall for just five minutes, they swear. Does your Reosean step up to the plate or get buried in excess popcorn? Draw or write about your Reosean tending the stall (or using the absence of the vendor to swipe some free snacks!), do they get overwhelmed, or do they handle it like a pro?

♦ Part of the Show! (upper right) Maybe your Reosean is less interested in attending the fair and is more interested in being in the fair. With various vendor stalls and acts taking place on stage there’s plenty for motivated Reoseans to do. Draw or write about your Reosean joining the fair, either as an act, vendor, or other helping hand!

♦ Send help! (bottom left) You hear a crash in the distance. Running to the scene, your Reosean soon discovers that a stall or other fair equipment needs some on the spot repairs! Does your Reosean help? Draw or write about your Reosean pending a hand, or simply watching the chaos unfold.

♦ This place is a Mess! (middle right) Fairs get...messy. The folks in charge of this place are desperate for some help keeping litter and trash off the ground. Will you help, or trick someone else into doing it for you? Draw or write about the cleanup efforts of your Reosean.

♦ Grand Tour! (bottom right) Oruvunen, or rather 'Mr. Plum' and Gwen want to show you around this world they have created. Do you oblige them this request? Draw or write about your Reosean interacting with Mr. Plum and Gwen (or just one of them).

Collab with Bonechimes678

They did BG, I did characters & their shading


Sweeney Todd 16464

Avvaan 16819

Image size
1400x1500px 2.53 MB
© 2024 manekinich
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