I got tagged by ~ShaunsArtHouse (https://www.deviantart.com/shaunsarthouse)curse you, sir.
1) You must post these rules
2) Share 10 facts about yourself
3) Answer the 10 questions asked by the person who tagged you and make up 10 questions for people you tag
4) Choose 10 people and put 10 icons in their journal
5) Not something like, "You are tagged if you read that".
6) You have to legitimately tag 10 people.
7) No tag-backs.
8) You can't say that you don't do tags.
9) You MUST make a journal entry! No comments.
Facts about me:
1. I am English
2. My best friend is German
3. I like Lego, I want the Lego AT-AT but its kinda expensive
4. I'm 5'8 so pretty respectable heig