mandk's avatar


you're a meshi!
54 Watchers514 Deviations

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Student // Digital Art
  • Aug 21
  • United States
  • Deviant for 18 years
  • She / Her
Super Albino Llama: Llamas are awesome! (445)
birthdAy '10: decade of deviousness
Paranoid: Wears a tinfoil hat
Two Scoops: Exclusive Robert Rodriguez Blackberry Badge
BlackBerry: Exclusive Calendar of Tales Badge
My Bio
Welcome to my deviantart gallery!

If i posted a critique on your page and was interested in who i am:
I do not write critiques to bother you
I always take each and every critique seriously and write them with the full intention of helping the artist it was written for
I do not think of myself as a spectacular artist, and am always open for any and all critiques on my latest art
Please feel free to talk to me if you want. I'm terribly introverted, but am always willing to answer back any messages!

Published work: Stranger Knights Issue#1-3
Webcomics: Project Monarchy

Favourite Visual Artist
caravaggio, rene magritte and toulouse-lautrec
Favourite Movies
La Vita E Bella, Asoka, Om Shanti Om
Favourite Writers
e.e. cummings, h.p. lovecraft
Favourite Games
tales of symphonia, okage, metroid, mgs, and zelda
Favourite Gaming Platform
Tools of the Trade
pencils, pens, wacom bamboo tablet, and paint tool sai
Other Interests
art, comics, art history
hey there!   it felt weird having a really old journal on my main page so i decided to give everyone a real quick update life-wise. it sounded like a good idea considering its a new year and all. i am halfway through my junior year in college now.   the work-load has fucktupled in size once i got into the education department at my university and all of these 'critical tasks' are not what most people think when they imagine a career in education.   no, i didn't think so either. i think i am in a healthier environment mentally-wise, but instead of residing in a dormitory, i am dividing my time between my parent's house and my boyfriend's re
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Hey everybody! Sorry i don't submit much (or anything) lately. I want to get back into the drawing groove, especially now that i have a tablet to help me out. But after such a long break from art to smash my face into textbooks, i have lost some of that ye olde creativity. So! I'm taking the initiative of asking anyone who reads this journal: TELL ME WHAT TO DRAW :star: send me a request in this journal or through a private message and i will do my darndest to translate this idea of yours into colored pixels on the internet! :star: There is no max amount of requests, no time limit to submit one.  you can happen upon this journal two wee
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I'm just doing my utmost best to get good grades this semester. ;______; i haven't been working on ANYTHING, but i do go through my messages on a daily basis!   if i've seen something and haven't commented on it, i probably waited too late and just felt awkward trying to comment on it. sorry about that. u_____u i wish i could get back to comic making and rp-ing with pals but i've got an essay to write analyzing Our Lady of Charity Shrine in Miami FL, and Imam Hussayn's tomb in Karbala, Iraq.   It is just as exciting as it sounds. (pssst, i kind of like writing about religions and comparing stuff like this). but i will not have any college
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Profile Comments 1.1K

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I tagged you in my journal!~
I'm looking for an artist and possibly someone who can help develop my story. It's an action/adventure/fantasy with a little bit of romance. [link] here's the link to my project. I already have five episodes written. Please help me find someone.
hey, thanks so much for the watch!! :hug: <33
no problem, i really love your mlp fanart! C:
thanks for the watch! how'd you find me, anyhow--recent uploads?
actually, i follow you on tumblr.
you just had to blueball me, didn't you?

well i don't know your username but it's cool that i can BRIDGE THE GAP