Current Residence: Italy (PR - Parma)
deviantWEAR sizing preference: M
Print preference: big
Favourite genre of music: Rock, Alternative, New Age, Piano, Punk, classical, Acustic
Favourite photographer: ... I don't know.. Not me sure
Favourite style of art: Vector,Abstract, Manga, Realistic, Paint, Everyway, Photo, other
Operating System: Gnu/Linux (Arch and Ubuntu but I trayed all..)
MP3 player of choice: Amarok 2, Creative Zen:M
Shell of choice: Shell: BASH | de: Gnome/KDE4
Wallpaper of choice: I change every week
Skin of choice: Gnome: A lot | KDE: Bespin
Favourite cartoon character: Rufy - Dylan Dog - Groucho
Personal Quote: Mad, crazy, not soo good ... :( .. But sure modest