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manaita's avatar

Metal Madness



The next character page of Sonic Channel will show Metal Sonic at last.
I'm looking forward to see Uekawa's new art for Metal.

So I felt like drawing a kind of Metal.

About this pic, Metal Madness, this design I drew is not accurate. I referred to some movies of Metal from the game, but those were not sharp enough to be able to see the detailed image.

Please look at this with the original size.
Image size
500x500px 70.72 KB
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TheDMan2003's avatar

TAILS: Look at that guy! That big, draconic head! And those huge claws! That's the most hideous thing I've ever seen!

SONIC: Wait! That hideous thing looks like me!

KNUCKLES: I always knew Sonic would be the death of us!

AMY: Holy cow! A robotic Sonic!

SONIC: There's definitely something funny going on here! [looks at BIG] And I don't mean you... something else funny. [sees EGGMAN and gasps] Eggman! You're behind all this aren't you!

EGGMAN: Yes, yes, it was me all the time! Behold: The Roboticizer! With this, I can make anyone a robot, and make a robot copy of anyone. Metal Sonic was supposed to be my loyal superweapon that would obey my every command.

SONIC: But, according to the Chaotix, he locked you up!

EGGMAN: I... I forgot to set the switch to "OBEY"! [grunts in frustration] But now that Ivo's home, I can fix that! [places a sign that says "OBEY" over the "DON'T OBEY" part of the sign] What's wrong, now? It should be working!

METAL SONIC: It is working. I'm obeying him! [points to EGG-ROBO]

EGGMAN: I knew I shouldn't have made a robot version of myself, but I'm... just so deadly looking made out of steel!

EGG-ROBO: You've interfered with my plans for the last time! Sonic, meet Sonic!

SONIC: [playing for time] Hi, how do you do! Allow me to introduce my friends: Tails, Knuckle--


(Yes, I'm aware this came out later; it's called a joke)