OC: Harris And Lisa's weightMami-Kun on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/mami-kun/art/OC-Harris-And-Lisa-s-weight-905427674Mami-Kun

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OC: Harris And Lisa's weight



So... Harris and Lisa are at their weight check-up, but for them... their doctor had to share the bad news for them.

Harris is worried about his weight, since he is losing a lot of weight due to his lack of eating. The doctor told him that he is suffering from anorexia, in which the person has a fear of gaining weight, lack of eating, and exercising too much. (Harris doesn't exercise)
Harris begins to cry, since he doesn't know what to do to fix his problem, but his doctor had to prescribe him some medications, and a therapy session with a therapist.

Lisa is very nervous when it comes to her weight check every 3 months, but since her last one, she got really upset. Today, she had a weight check, she stepped on the scale, Lisa was horrifed about her new weight. The doctor had told her that she was morbidly obese, and this actually hurted Lisa's feelings. Lisa sarted to cry, and she insulted herself, by calling herself "ugly", and blames herlsef that she has become. 
The doctor told Lisa to stop hating herself, saying Lisa's beautiful (even when she said that Lisa was obese), and to not say profanity in her office.

Sadly, Caroline (Harris and Lisa's mother) is not present in the story.

Harris and Lisa (C) 2018, 2020 - 2022 :iconkaren-the-neko-nabe:
The Doctor (C) 2021 - 2022 :iconkaren-the-neko-nabe:
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Every time I search up dark pit your art comes up