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Malte279's avatar

More statues in Griffonstone (soapstone and tin)



Using the recently carved soap stone head of Pinkie Pie and the tin casts I took of it and my most recent origami of Pinkie Pie I took a number of photos with a Griffonstone background.
Seeing how well Pinkie Pie got along with the statue of King Grover in "The lost treasure of Griffonstone" (S5 E8) I kind of liked the idea of Pinkie Pies reaction of meeting a statue of herself.
In this picture we got the soapstone head which I used to create the molds for the of the tin cast heads along with the painted and unpainted tin head and the Pinkie Pie origami. The origami is a bit of a hybrid since the mane and tail of Pinkie Pie are printed and glued seperately to the figure allowing for a greater volume and more complex shape of them than in case of a pure origami. It also allows for the head of Pinkie Pie to be given a little snout more similar to her appearance in the series.
Image size
5152x2952px 5.37 MB
Canon IXUS 170
Shutter Speed
1/20 second
Focal Length
11 mm
ISO Speed
Date Taken
Jun 12, 2016, 11:33:47 AM
Sensor Size
© 2016 - 2024 Malte279
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