Our deviantART Community has an amazing selection of resources just waiting...
to be found, to be saved
and created into something unique...
It is my intention to re-awaken the community
(with the many years of stocks and resources sitting in galleries and in deviants favourite collections) by featuring these stocks and hopefully encouraging artists old and new to delve back into their own archives and create art again like they did a few years ago. And in doing so, hopefully this encourages more art contests as well.
It would truly be wonderful to see an influx of:
- Traditional Art
- Digital Art
- Photomanipulation
- Artisan Crafts etc...
That are inspired by the Stock and Resources we have available to us within dA.
Go on and add these amazing stocks to your favourites and start creating today!
Take a Leap of Faith AND Create.
Please, join me on this monthly series of Re-Awakening The Resources of dA.