Deidara's bird TutorialMalindachan on DeviantArt

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Deidara's bird Tutorial



Be sure to check out my "Easy" bird tutorial as well: [link] :3

Edit: Thanks :iconwateverdude: for the info: depending on your oven, you might be setting the temp. to 130 degrees celcius (which is the equivalence to 275 farenhait).

A few people have been requesting a tutorial for my clay stuff: [link] , so I decided to make one while I was home from college (and within reach of an oven! ^^).

Thanks to everyone for all the favs and comments on my cosplay stuff! They motivated me to make this tutorial.

Time to make this bird: 2-3 hours

This bird was given to my Tobi....because being Tobi means you get free stuff from Deidara ^^

Deidara and his clay creations are owned by himself and Kishimoto-sensei.
Image size
606x12000px 2.82 MB
© 2007 - 2024 Malindachan
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POOTERSS's avatar
this is how i made my bird, thank you.