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September 24, 2013
Bioshock 2: Rapture by ~Malindachan
Featured by pullingcandy
Suggested by nanjari
Malindachan's avatar

Bioshock 2: Rapture



I friggin love whale sharks. LOOKIT HIM, HE'S SO CUTE! He knew an epic photo was going to be taken so he made sure to get in there! ;D

Much thanks to the Atlanta Aquarium for letting us have the tunnel to ourselves for 5 minutes during Dragoncon night.

Big Daddy Subject Delta: :iconex-shadow:
Big Sister Eleanor :iconmalindachan:

Costumes made by ourselves

Photography by Joseph Chi Lin…
Image size
600x900px 114.52 KB
© 2013 - 2024 Malindachan
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BenRG's avatar

Constants and variables: I can see an AU where Delta and Eleanor stayed on Rapture and together became the shadows haunting the tunnels and city modules, saving the innocent and protecting those still willing to live in sanity and harmony.

Life father, like daughter.