Koopa Troopa HP v0.9 [Blender] - Preview 03MalemortModelMaker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/malemortmodelmaker/art/Koopa-Troopa-HP-v0-9-Blender-Preview-03-1088257062MalemortModelMaker

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Koopa Troopa HP v0.9 [Blender] - Preview 03



Hello, everyone.

I start this project a few month ago. I have been very sick the path few month at the moment of writing this description. Someone rememebered me that I made a lot of 3d koopa model that I never publish anywhere. I try to make a bundle of the many 3d models and to fix them. It's not perfect. I didn't manage to make them able to blink, and the only way I can make them blink will make them unable to be ported to unreal engine.** I have a lot of things to correct, to adjust. I've been very ambitious with this project and I try to add a lot different outfits. Like a bethesda game if you want to add more content you will add more bugs. I will not make further adjustment to this 3d model until my health get better. I will switch the way my model work by making you able to change the color by using slider one day

The way I model things ;

  • I don't use any of blender addons.

  • Very basic rig and very basic shapekey for the face.

  • Very basic material with very basic normal map, change the color of certain part by changing the material in blender material tab. There are premade materials already in the model.

  • I want my 3d models to be accessible by everyone so it has no bones group but you can make some if you want to.

Can be easily converted to Unreal if you know what you're doing. I use Blender 4.0

Download : https://open3dlab.com/project/332d747b-da7f-4ca2-b78a-440799f35635/

Sorry, for my bad english

Image size
1620x1920px 59.18 MB
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