that BITCH from vault 101makani on DeviantArt

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that BITCH from vault 101



Oh Three Dog, you flatter me~

Played a lot of Fallout 3 back in December/January. I got to lvl 18 and was gonna go find all of the bobbleheads, but then the game glitched and my freaking companion Jericho DISSAPEARED and it pissed me off so much that i stopped playing. I'll have to go back and start from the last save point where he was still there.. which was right before I killed everyone in Vault 101. How convenient that they all sleep in one room!

So yeah, basically my person (formal name being Ulla, Kicker of Elves.. she is kind of a Nega-Ulla though lol :I) is specced out to be a harbinger of death. My top stats are melee, explosions, and small guns, and I have maxed strength and endurance. Vault 101, Arefu, the Republic of Dave, Paradise Falls, most of Tenpenny Tower, The Family, both the Canterbury Commons villians, those chumps with Lincoln's head, the Brotherhood Outcasts, and multiple traveling salesmen = dead. And lord knows I have given Little Lamplight my best shot but damn it those brats just won't die. I would have sold them to the slavers but I killed them all :(.

Megaton and Riley's Rangers are the only things I'm pretty sure I won't destroy.. I accidentally killed Billy Creel and Jenny Stahl though :I *points at Jericho and Dogmeat*

oh yes and that is my version 3 shishkebab hoho. I usually have on the ghoul mask and a helmet but that's ugly :P.
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cmmdrsigma's avatar
I usualy have the Talon armor....... TALON COMPANY!!!