Walking Fox TribalMajykal-Melodi on DeviantArthttp://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/https://www.deviantart.com/majykal-melodi/art/Walking-Fox-Tribal-206537745Majykal-Melodi

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Majykal-Melodi's avatar

Walking Fox Tribal



Yet another fox tribal for :iconsafetypinking:

Note: I'm not really doing these for free. I do these in hope for a prize. If you would like one I will most likely be setting up a paypal account at some point in the next couple months from which I will start doing commissions.
Image size
300x437px 65.02 KB
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SimiXiamaradho's avatar
Would love to commission a cute female fox with cat eye glasses in a tribal tat similar to above so that I can use it for a Logo I'm designing & would OF COURSE post links back to you & would of course pay you for the Commission