TGAMM: Mazel Tov Libby!
One thing I absolutely adore about this new generation of animated series it’s to take a look at aspects of different cultural backgrounds, and it becomes especially beautiful when you can see some parallelisms that, despite the contrast, you can still see a lot in common with your own life experience.
On this episode, for example, we can take a look at Libby's bat mitzvah ceremony, the point where a young girl is started to be seen as a woman according to Mosaic Law.
While far from being the same, it does have some common ideas with my own background: I’m part latina, and can’t lie, a lot of this had a similar vibe to the Quinceanera: the 15th birthday party where a girl is seen as a young lady to the eyes of her community.
Now, the funny thing is that you’d usually expect an episode that goes big with the celebration. Instead, we see a more down-to-earth and lowkey affair, being in fact the main conflict: Molly has a vision and thinks Libby deserves “better”, and Libby wants a