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Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Deviation Spotlight

Artist // Hobbyist // Traditional Art
  • United States
  • Deviant for 15 years
  • He / Him
My Bio

It's been nearly five years since my little brother's suicide. 100% of my identity was wrapped up in being his big brother. We were a dynamic duo, and without him I'm no longer a complete person. The road to recovery always felt endless, but it's merged onto the highway of life again. I miss him. He was the most important person in my life, and I failed him. He's gone. But the book and comics he helped plan, and lent his likeness to, are finally moving forward.

The rest of this bio is years old, outdated, and unedited:

I grew up on Calvin & Hobbes, graduated to Gears of War, found delight in just about everything fictional, and (fair warning) I just so happen to like My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. I've introduced my kid brother to all of these, and while he thinks Pinkie Pie is just about the funniest thing ever, he much prefers chainsawing his way through Locust hordes. Proud of that lad.

As for what I do, I've been drawing since the day I could hold a pencil. I also write when I have spare time. Soon I will take consistent commissions again. And start my webcomic. Until then, I draw my own concept art and try to limit my worldbuilder syndrome.

Remember that if you don't like what you see, you can always look elsewhere.

Favourite Visual Artist
any that aren't me
Favourite Movies
like, ninety movies
Favourite TV Shows
Game of Thrones, My Little Pony, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure , Attack on Titan , Breaking Bad
Favourite Bands / Musical Artists
approximately fifty different bands let's not count
Favourite Books
Kingkiller Chronicle , Consider Phlebas , The Heroes , Vagrant Moon
Favourite Writers
Travis Knight , Guy Gavriel Kay , Iain M. Banks , Susan O'Connor, and too many others to count
Favourite Games
Gears of War series , The Last of Us , Minecraft , Pikmin
Favourite Gaming Platform
Xbox , PC
Tools of the Trade
Pencil, paper, erasor
Other Interests
Reading, Writing, Gaming, pretentiousness


0 min read
For about four months now (or is it five? six?) I've worked two jobs. Yesterday that ended, and now I only work one job. The dreaded evenings and nights of gas station cleaning are over. Despite not being cashiers, myself and one other guy did 60-90% of the work in that store (depending on who else worked that day). Now I work just one full-time job. City utility worker. And I'm taking my first Saturday as a free man with free time... To go play DnD with friends and a coworker. My Gears of War "Never Fight Alone" posters should be on sale next month. The Coalition really honored me with that commission. But before I worry about that, I have other commissions to finish. It's finally time. My dog and I can breathe again... I have a 2-bedroom apartment now, not just a couch. God has truly heaped the blessings this year. I guess I still work two jobs, then. Also, a backhoe axle broke my right pointer finger at the tip. Typing is almost a hassle now. Should be healed in a couple weeks.
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The man who claimed to know my brother's suffering better than anyone, just claimed I was the cause of it. He also called me a liar for hitting a deer with my car (to whoever scavenged that roadkill, THANKS), and called me a liar over filling up the chicken water (I filled it up yesterday, went to sleep, then it rained, and yet it was bone dry right after the rain... That means the chickens tipped the bowl over). He also accused me of many counts of theft, when he's the one who stole MY "HJ" labelled beers out of the fridge. This is the story of a violent alcoholic who was supposed to have an intervention today. Everyone bailed on the intervention except one neighbor. So this became the story of how I refused vengeance, and cut an asshole out of my life. My sister, her boyfriend, and the one neighbor witnessed much of this. I recorded some of it. The rest is hearsay, but hear me when I say... This was history repeating itself. Last time this happened, it was because a javelina was
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Get ready

0 min read
Just turned in a major commission. No idea if it will lead to more, but it's time I set up a store. Expect the art to go live today or next week.
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Profile Comments 233

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Thank you for the fav 😊

thanks for the fav 😊

I think I have located Your channel! At www.youtube.com/user/WisdomThu…

Yep, that's me. I've linked to it before DeviantArt changed. Hope you like some of the videos!

My Dwarf Fortress character lost grip in their right hand.
How do I get it back?
Pray for Surgeons that can actually Surgery? Or just... long rest... ?
It seems to heal on it's own over time.
But now I have an infection.
How do you wash wounds?