Wonderflex Chest Armormajinwarwulf on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/majinwarwulf/art/Wonderflex-Chest-Armor-91436615majinwarwulf

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majinwarwulf's avatar

Wonderflex Chest Armor



So for this costume we needed the chest to look entirely artificial. So we constructed a false front with these steps.

1. We got a shirt that fit the subject tightly and stretched it out over the wonderflex sheet.

2&3. Outlining the shirt we then cut it out carefully to form a stiff version of what we traced.

4. Using the heat gun on the dummy we shaped the chest piece to match the form of the dress dummy Minor adjustments were made repeatedly.

5. With a little detailing here and there the shirt was made to match the body and hug it snugly.

6. The access part on the bottom that was un needed was cut off and saved for later.

Completed by :iconcodymau: & :iconmajinwarwulf:
Image size
600x600px 44.56 KB
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Zaradis's avatar
What does the end result of this armor look like when completely done and painted? or is that posted some where already :) thanks for this