Roses for Valentine's - UtopiaMaineRook on DeviantArt

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Roses for Valentine's - Utopia



Vector portrait - for Utopia Valentine Contest:
Original image from Lady Atropos.
Taken by Flutterby Studios.

Please pardon the use of Symbols, but there was a time-crunch. Wasn't sure I would get it done in time, but here it is. It's not perfect, but I don't have time to mess around with it anymore. It was a race between me and my wife to see if I could get the picture done before she goes into the hospital to deliver our baby. I won - but just barely - we're going into the hospital tonight.

C&C okay, but it'll be a few days before I see them.

EDIT - had to fix the belly button.
Image size
798x997px 780.87 KB
© 2006 - 2025 MaineRook
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2kiss's avatar
what a beautiful !!

add fav. :heart: