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Sad Drunk A week ago my dear Quenya, our dear Quenya, went away. Sad Drunk 
My fantastic dog.

You gave us all the love that was in you, day after day, there were always lots of kisses erasing our faces.
We gave you all the love that was in us, right up to the last moment.

We miss you so much, my dwarf, my girl, it hurts so, so much.

You weren't a pet, you were one more of my family, you were our daughter.
I know this is very shocking to those who don't understand, or who have never had a dog...
 but as Ufo says, there are countless walks, games, races, playing hide-and-seek, feeding her, washing her,
 pampering her, scolding her when she deserved it , no more, educate her, love her.

Things of destiny... Galita left with my brother, and Quenya with Dory...
No passa res, Quenyita, go your way... you follow Dory...
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© 2023 - 2024 maiarcita
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sesam-is-open's avatar

I'm sorry for your loss, dear Maria and I'm sure she was a very happy and loved dog.:heart: :hug: