MagpieMagic on DeviantArt

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MagpieMagic's avatar

MM Curvy Grunge Swirls



Grungy swirls and curves, perfect for adding a little decoration or for adding detail in a 'nature' image - under water, woods etc.

Brush Sets

:bulletblack: Use them in paintings, photo manipulations for your portfolio.

:bulletblack: Non-commercial use only unless you bought a license (see below). You can however print your creation for your personal use (or for a present) or create prints on DA or Redbubble for people to buy. You cannot use them to create a book or CD cover or re-sell the brush set.

:bulletblack:For commercial use, send me a note/bmail (RB) to find out about payment details - $5 per brush set or $25 for 6 brush sets. Payment is by PayPal and you will receive a license and the occasional freebie (like free stock or a free brushset ahead of me posting it on DA).

:bulletblack: Feel free to create backgrounds with them BUT ONLY if those backgrounds are then free to use for others.

:bulletblack: If you download them, fav them and link from your creation.

:bulletblack: Send me a note to let me know. I'd love to see what you did.

:bulletblack: Play and have fun with them.


:bulletblack: Re-distribute them - if you like them, fav them or link to them, or contact me if you want to display them in a collection.

:bulletblack: Do not sell them or claim them as your own.

If you're not sure, send me a note/bmail, I am usually quick to reply.

The evil flying monkeys will get any of you that do not obey these rules.

MyFreeCopyright [link]
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b0412's avatar
Stunning brush