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[Rixixi] Winter Festival 2022


Welcome  to the Winter Festival! This celebration lasts all season, and Rixixi all over Sxriix are joining in with their allies in Nskanetis, Earth, The Chasm, and the Leyline to enjoy the season together. Special items will show up in activities all season, seasonal items are available in Myrkaiir's Event Shop, and seasonal things to do will be available in the Events section and appearing on and off in the rest of the prompts on Lorekeeper!

Winter Sweets
Deepearth Brew

With the introduction of the Leyline to the average Rixixi, the customs of the spirit world have become a curiosity. Most of the customs therein are derived from the lives of the ghosts that exist there, and so it's a heavily Nskanetian realm. However, over time, some specifically Leyline customs have sprung up. Most of these involve a focus on liminal spaces, traversal between worlds, or Death Herself, but some are simply leyline versions of other customs.

Shrineseeking is a practice in the Leyline of creating colorfully decorated shrines or altars throughout nature. While seasonal differences are uncommon in the Leyline, this most commonly happens when winter celebrations of light would occur in Vyldes, as it was derived from their color and light celebrations. Due to the Leyline's overall monochrome blue appearance, this celebration seeks to light up the realm with whatever source of cheer can be found, and fills the caverns of the Leyline with mysterious tables of shimmering baubles for weeks.

This is commonly practiced by Funeraries and Lost spirits that have wandered out of the Leyline into another world, and can confuse travelers as they come across tables of strange trinkets in the wilderness...


The events have been MOVED to the Chasmhome Lorekeeper, to make it easier to keep track of them! You can still enter them as many times as you want, and you still get a BG: Winter Festival: Southern Hot Springs for your first Spring Festival entry each year!


Chasmhome Lorekeeper - Winter 2022 Event Prompts

Myrkaiir's Event Shop


New Starter! Slots available through Myrkaiir's Event Shop as well as Trick or Treat prompt


New gene: Blur (nBlr/BlrBlr)

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