Deviation Actions
Welcome to the Summer Festival! This celebration lasts all season, and Rixixi all over Sxriix are joining in with their allies in Nskanetis, Earth, The Chasm, and the Leyline to enjoy the season together. Special items will show up in activities all season, seasonal items are available in Myrkaiir's Event Shop, and seasonal things to do will be available in the Events section and appearing on and off in the rest of the prompts on Lorekeeper!
Summer is the most obvious season in the Leyline - it is the season of the Lost. While other seasons are primarily celebrated and counted by their otherworldly counterparts, Summer is known well for being overwhelmingly full of Lost souls, moreso than any other season.
It's no surprise why, when you think about it. The Leyline is located in the depths of Nskanetis's oceans, and while the tropical world has seaworthy weather year-round, the summer especially draws people to the sea. Activities like diving are popular in the summer, but can bring one dangerously close to the Leyline, where liminal spaces appear more often, ready to bring a poor soul into the land of the dead.
There is a scattering called the Lanternlighters, Funeraries equipped with ley-wisps. They go out in search of stragglers and lost souls and those wandering too close to the Leyline, drawing them back to the shore with lanterns full of blue light. Few make contact with mortals, but those that do are seen as benevolent spirits.
The events have been MOVED to the Chasmhome Lorekeeper, to make it easier to keep track of them! You can still enter them as many times as you want, and you still get a BG: Summer Festival: Cach Torix for your first Spring Festival entry each year!
Chasmhome Lorekeeper - Summer 2022 Event Prompts
New Starter! Slots available through Myrkaiir's Event Shop as well as Wave Rider and Walks on the Beach prompts
New genes: Sulfur (nSfr/SfrSfr), Waterlight (nWat/WatWat)
New raid: The Graverobber