Activities - Art Requirements FAQ

3 min read

Deviation Actions

magmatixi's avatar
Rixixi activities often have different requirements in things like wordcount or whether a fullbody is required, but some things are true no matter what the activity is.

  • Rixixi activities will not require shading.
  • If a written activity is just a few words low by our count, we'll allow it, word counters are odd.
  • Crossovers with other ARPGS are allowed if the other ARPG allows it - if you're doing an Exploration, choose the closest Canon World to the setting.


If an activity requires a background, it does not have to be heavily detailed. It should not be made up of only a gradient or a single color, and should have at least a couple of defined objects in it. Here are several examples of simpler backgrounds that are perfectly fine:

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