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Forged Death Certificate



Art by Anarchisme - Only for use in Rixixi!

Kaye typically did not deal with the Black Market, but understood why someone would want to disappear, and her abilities made that easy.

The beings of the Leyline typically did not deal with the living, but these living had papers saying they were legally dead. They could work with that.

CONTRABAND - Forged Death Certificate is technically contraband by association, but as it is a crafted item and not an item that has to be found, if a user with no Streetwise Rixixi owns the necessary items, they may still craft it!

Created via crafting with Corona.
1x Death-Charged Fogshard, 1x Paper, 3x Ink

  • When equipped to a living Rixixi, treats that Rixixi as a Ghost in all ways except for genetics.
Image size
2500x2500px 946.41 KB
© 2021 - 2024 magmatixi
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