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Drazzoth 0085



Name: Drazzoth
Nickname(s): Drazz, Scarab
ID: 0085
Owner: magmatixi
Height: 6'2 ft
Weight: 425 lbs
Genotype: aa/bb/Dd/Oo/nHd/nPt/nScl/nUn/nBlm/nLu+Tspi/Fan/Wing/X-Hyp/X-Man
Phenotype: Hooded Sunbeam with Points, Bloomed Lunar Scales and Unders
Mutations: Tail Spike, Fanged, Wings, Hypno Eyes and Mandible Fangs
Element: Null
Radiation LevelRaging

Stats: HP: 2000 || Attack: 400 || Defense: 400 || Special: 400 || Speed: 400
Conditions: None

Personality: Drazzoth is a former assassin who found their passion for cooking and is more than happy to share their experience with others.
If their cooking knowledge is what the others are after is questionable, but this former Assassin found their place midst a master cuisine and uses their golden claws which were once used during their missions to prepare vegetables and meats for excellent dishes.
Always welcoming to newbies Drazzoth quickly established themselves as Sxriix's future 5 star cook Trainer.
It is said that Drazzoth was a fearinvoking opponent to face seeing as they have been through countless fights and not even one of their enemies managed to leave a scar on their skin.
 They tend to not take their gear off even after they are off of work. Cleaning their blades is a habit which they persue before going to bed.
Some coin or accessory usually get them in the mood for storytelling of their former "life".
Pronouns: They

-1x Apparel: 2x Scarab Gold Claws
-2x Accessory: 6x Gold Rings + 1x Necklace + 1 Piercing
-Special Background: B-NOMALY Labs

------------------------------------------ GGG: Unknown
----------------- GG: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GGR: Unknown
Giver: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GRG: Unknown
----------------- GR: Unknown
------------------------------------------ GRR: Unknown
------------------------------------------ RGG: Unknown
----------------- RG: Unknown
------------------------------------------ RGR: Unknown
Receiver: Unknown
------------------------------------------ RRG: Unknown
----------------- RR: Unknown
------------------------------------------ RRR: Unknown

Design by: Xe-Li
Image size
2500x1500px 1.66 MB
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