
2 min read

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magmanorn's avatar
You have a kid, his name is Jason. You love Jason a lot. He turns seven today. It's a special day so you go to the kindergarten to pick him up.

            You get there 5 minutes ahead of the bell. The teacher, Ms. Brown, says that the first five kids to volunteer to recite the alphabet will get a cookie.

            Jason, Emily, Stuart, Lizzie and Alex volunteer. You look on with pride as Jason recites the alphabet perfectly. Emily manages the same but Lizzie, Stuart and Alex get 'M' and 'N' mixed up.

            Ms. Brown gets the cookie jar and discovers she only has two cookies left.

            You think that it's a given Ms Brown should give the two cookies to the two kids who have recited the alphabet correctly but she doesn't.

            She gives them to Lizzie and Alex.


            Because according to her, their parents enrolled those two children in the school two weeks ahead of everyone else.

            Disappointed, you ask Ms. Brown about this. Apparently, this is a school policy. They reward the students who have been in the system longer, not based on merit. There's nothing you can do about this. This policy is cast iron. It cannot be changed.

© 2011 - 2025 magmanorn
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geralin's avatar
Split the cookies so everyone gets a bart and then bring new cookies the next day.
What's the social contract?