Avengers: In-jokesmagickmaker on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/magickmaker/art/Avengers-In-jokes-338523137magickmaker

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magickmaker's avatar

Avengers: In-jokes



So, Sunfire's joining the Uncanny Avengers. I love the guy, but he is not a people person.

One of the reasons I'm not really as down on Bendis as a lot of people is because I LOVE scenes where super-people are just hanging around talking about nothing. These people have been working together for years, you've gotta figure they've got some in-jokes by now. In-jokes are inevitable when you've got a group of people.

Havok, Wolverine and Rogue used to be on a team back in the day. (There's an awesome scene where Wolverine comes into the house drunk off his ass and tries to explain to the X-men he woke up why he can't be drunk, because of his powers.) They've been a few teams together since then, but you don't see the camaraderie they had back in the day anymore.

All characters belong to Marvel.
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© 2012 - 2025 magickmaker
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kiamara's avatar
I didn't even know that they really Mentioned Thunderbird's Death much after he died...
And they're was another Character that they were going to have but he/she was too much like Nightcrawler & Wolverine...<.<
I wonder if they were added if they would have died too...>.>

It's Ok, Shiro...I find breaking the ice difficult too sometimes...^^;