Jynx (Ugly Mug, Big Jugs)
Froslass (Her lips were so cold...)
Vespiquen (She bit off my head afterward)
Mr. Mime (He brought me flowers on the first date!
Bellosom (Just wait til you get to third base, it involves salad )
MewTwo (He might cheat on you though, he just seems shady)
Lopunny (Dirty over thirty)
Machamp (Think of what he can do with those 4 arms)
Koffing (I think he gave me a yeast infection hahaha! wait, I'm a boy...)
I would rather just watch Porygon-Z on the internet...
Nude! That really does it for me.
Pointy pale and ribbed! (That doesn't sound right)
Curvy Cornucopia-like one!
The one that looks like a waffle cone!
Oval with dots!
Rainbow snail shell!
The hat, my good sir!!
What is this poll about? Hermitab? Is that a women's personal hygene product?
i'm a huge fan of yours, you are the reason why i started drawing pokemon y love your art work, i hope you come back soon