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Diamond and Dazzle: Information



It's so hard to get children to pay attention when someone's reading, but there's a pretty easy secret to making it work. It's all about active engagement. Make it about what the child cares about, and even a legal document can put your child on the edge of her seat. If you can't find something to entice your child enough, try dragging her into a demonic courtroom and have a purple little gremlin threaten to take something precious from her. It's sure to get your child's attention for at least a few minutes. Just make sure she doesn't have her phone with her or she'll just play mobile games throughout the trial. Teach your child some discipline.

Diamond and Dazzle: Testimony by MagerBlutooth

Diamond and Dazzle: Issue by MagerBlutooth
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savagethewolverine's avatar

This is a lot of trouble…FOR A FREAKING CAT!