Port Louis, Tilt-Shiftmadtomproductions on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/madtomproductions/art/Port-Louis-Tilt-Shift-118226266madtomproductions

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Port Louis, Tilt-Shift



Port Louis, capital city of Mauritius.

My first attempt at faking a tilt-shift shot.

I noticed many fake tilt-shifts suffer from the same problem: By just slapping a gradual lens-blur onto the picture, you lose the impression of debt when looking at it closely. That's because the amount of blur on a certain object should depend on the distance from the camera, not on how far up in the picture it is... the problem is most obvious with taller buildings, where they fizzle out towards the top, while they should have about the same amount of blur all over.

I tried my best working around this problem by masking individual buildings and areas and bluring them seperately from the background. Takes a bit of trial and error to work out the blur radiuses for the individual objects so they blend nicely with the "slap a lens blur on it"-background, but i think the result is ok for a first try.
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1146x1676px 432.68 KB
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SirCula's avatar
haha I thought it was a render or a toy, nice work