Hawaiian Girlmadmoiselleclau on DeviantArthttps://www.deviantart.com/madmoiselleclau/art/Hawaiian-Girl-166558360madmoiselleclau

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madmoiselleclau's avatar

Hawaiian Girl



Hi to all! This is just a quick drawing I did for my Sister in law who decided to celebrate her birthday as Hawaiian Party! so...this is a present for her to upload to her Facebook Event! hehehe that's her wearing her blue bikini and dress up also as a hawaiian girl...of corse...and she's drinking a Piña colada! hehehehehe :)

I use a pose based on an old pin-up girl and change her to fit the style of my pinup- cute girls!

Hibiscus Brushes from :iconblackheartedwolf:
Image size
765x691px 285.32 KB
© 2010 - 2025 madmoiselleclau
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GabyCoutino's avatar
Nice job 🍍